What is GBUWH?
GBUWH, otherwise known as The Brosh Octopush Association are the governing body of Octopush – underwater hockey in the UK.
What did the project involve?
As a long-standing client from my agency days, the BOA approached me to breathe life into their decade-old, mobile unfriendly design, while at the same time improving many aspects of the user experience for their community. A complete facelift was set in motion, applied to a complex, existing code base.
The website
A mixture of informative articles and dynamic community-oriented pages, the GBUWH website consists of a highly-functional user login area, custom-made events system and much more.
As the previous iteration of the site was made over a decade ago, it was time for a little modernisation – responsive pages, advancements in front end technology and attention to detail in modern web approaches such as faster page loading times and usability improvements.
As a technical consultant for the project, I provided guidance throughout – assisting the organisation with their hosting & email solutions, idea generation/scoping and overall direction of various web-related elements and integrations.
What did I get to do?
Website Creation